1- ‘A’ intentionally fired a shot from his pistol at ‘B’ but it hit ‘C’ and ‘C’ died. The offence committed by ‘A’ is-
(A) Attempt to murder
(B)Culpable homicide
(C)Murder under Section 300
(D)Murder under Section 301
2- Common intention means-
(A) Similar intention
(B) Same intention
(C) Sharing of intention by all persons
(D) Common plans
3- In which of the following case the right of private defence of body does not extend to causing of death?
(A) Assault with the intention of committing kidnapping
(B) Assault with the intention of gratifying unnatural lust
(C) Wrongful restraint ‘
(D) Assault with the intention of committing abduction
4. A’ beat his wife. She fell down and became unconscious. Believing her to be dead and to save himself from being arrested for murder ‘A’ hanged her in the fan with rope. Postmortem report disclosed her death from hanging. ‘A’ is liable for—
(A) Murder
(B) Culpable homicide
(C) Hurt
(D) Grievous hurt
5. The word ‘good faith’ is defined in the Indian Penal Code in—
(A) Section 44
(B) Section 51
(C) Section 52
(D) Section 52-A
6‘A’ is cutting the wood with an axe at a place where children are playing ? The axe files off and kills a nearby child. ‘A’ is liable for—
(A) No offence
(B) Murder
(C) Culpable homicide
(D) Causing death by negligence
7. Insanity is—
(A) Lack of free will
(B) Incapacity produced due to drunkenness
(C) Incapable of knowing the nature of act committed
(D) Diseased mind
8‘A’ finds a purse with money, not knowing to whom it belongs; he afterwards discovers that it belongs to ‘B’ and appropriates to his own use. ‘A’ is guilty of-
(A) Theft
(B) Criminal misappropriation
(C) Criminal breach of trust
(D) Cheating
9. Which one of the following is not essential for an offence?
(A) Intention
(B) Motive
(C) Prohibited act
(D) Punishment for act
10 .In which of the following means rea has been considered to be an essential element of an offence?
(A) Srinivasmal Barolia V/s Emperor
(B) R, V/s Tolson
(C) Nathulal V/s State of Madhya Pradesh
(D) In all of the above
11. The grounds for punishing Prince in R. V/s Prince was-
(A) Prohibited act done by Prince
(B) Illegal act done by Prince
(C) Knowingly committing of civil wrong by Prince
(D) Illegal and prohibited act done by Prince
12. Who amongst the following has observed that under the Indian Penal Code such a maxim ‘Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea’ is wholly out of place?
(A) J.D. Mayne, Criminal Law of India
(B) H.S. Gour, Penal Law of India
(C) Ratan Lal Dheeraj Lal, Law of Crimes
(D) All of the above
13. Which one of the following preparation is not an offence?
(A) Preparation for robbery of a Bank
(B) Preparation of dacoity in a Bank
(C) To make die for counterfeiting coins
(D) To make die for counterfeiting Indian coins.
14. For abduction the abducted person should be-
(A) Below 16 years of age
(B) Below 18 years of age
(C) Insane person
(D) Of any age
15. A does sexual intercourse with a widow below 16 years of age with her consent-
(A) A has not committed rape
(B) A has committed adultery
(C) A has committed rape with B
(D) Nothing above is correct
17. A male teacher during examination, while conducting search, put his hands in the pocket of the pant of a girl candidate thinking her to be a boy. Here the teacher, under the Penal Code, has committed the offence under Section-
(A) 354
(B) 323
(C) 509
(D) No offence
18. The case of Bachan Singh V/s State of Punjab is concerned with-
(A) Capital punishment in India
(B) Custody of under trial prisoners
(C) Prosecution for attempted suicide
(D) None of the above
19. In which of the following cases the Privy Council made a distinction between ‘common intention’ and ‘similar intention’?
(A) Barendra Kumar Ghosh V/s Emperor
(B) Mahboob Shah V/s King Emperor
(C) Srinivasmal Barolia V/s Emperor
(D) Bannu Mal V/s Emperor
20. In connection with the right of a private defence of body give the correct response-
(A) This right is not available against an unsound person.
(B) This right is not available against a person below 7 years of age
(C) This right is available against any person
(D) This right is not available against parents
21. A and B both are of 16 years of age. A entices B for marriage and takes her to another city. What offence has been committed by A?
(A) A has committed kidnapping
(B) A has committed no offence as B has gone with her own consent
(C) A has committed abduction
(D) A is himself minor. Hence A has committed no offence
22. A abets B to commit a theft from the house of C.B finding an opportunity picks C’s pocket while C was travelling by a bus. Give the correct answer-
(A) A is responsible for abetment o theft
(B) A is not responsible for abetment of picking of pocket
(C) A is not responsible for abetment of committing theft because theft has
not been committed from the house
(D) All the above are correct
23. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(A) In every robbery there are at least two persons
(B) In every robbery there is a fear of violence
(C) In every robbery there is either theft or extortion
(D) In every Dacoity there is robbery
24. Which one of the following cases does not relate to intoxication?
(A) D.P.P. V/s Beard
(B) Basudeo V/s State of Pepsu
(C) R. V/s Mcnaughten
(D) R. V/s Tandy
25. A snake-charmer while showing his play claims to cure the snake bite. The deceased got himself a snake bite believing on assurance of the snake-charmer. The snake- charmer could not cure the deceased. The snake-charmer is liable for-
(A) Murder
(B) Cheating
(C) May be liable for culpable homicide
(D) Liable for nothing
26. Which one of the following is not correct?
(A) For theft property must be movable
(B) For theft property must be removed out of the possession of the owner of property
(C) For theft property should have been removed for taking it away
(D) For theft property should be removed dishonestly
29. A meets B on high roads, shows a pistol and demands B’s purse. B in consequence, surrenders his purse. Here A has committed-
(A) Theft
(B) Extortion
(C) Robbery
(D) Dacoity
30. A intentionally causes B's death, partly by illegally omitting to give food to him, and partly by beating him. A has committed -
(A) Culpable homicide
(B) Attempt to murder
(C) Murder
(D) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder
Ans-- Murder [Section 36]